Apple Remote Desktop - Index

background image



aborting a task 108

changing privileges 76
group-based 69
via local account 67, 68

Access Privileges 65
adding Dock items 142
administrator announce 100
Apple keyboard keys 86
Apple Remote Desktop menu icon 102, 103
application use report 125
asset tracking

application use 125
expansion cards 134
FireWire devices 132
hardware 130
management 129
memory 134
software 128
software changes 129
USB devices 132


basic file copy 118
best practices

networking 79
reporting 123–124
security 81

Bonjour 54


chat 100
cleaning up hard disks 139
client data upload policy 169
clipboard sharing 90
computer audio volume 141
computer list

making a new 59
removing 59
smart 59

computer lists 53

description of 58

computer sharing names 140
Control/Observe preferences 37
controlling a client 86
control window 33

buttons 87–90

Copy and Open 118
copying items

data encryption 117
overview 116
UNIX permissions 117

copying to relative locations 117
Copy Items options 116
CPU serial number, accessing 131
Create Custom Installer 45, 46
curtain mode 89, 151
customizing reports 36


Dashboard observe 99
deleting files 139
demonstration mode 101
designated data collector 122
directory services 69
drag and drop

copies 118
installation 113


enabling SSH on clients 144

one-time use 84
scheme description 83
setting defaults 83

Ethernet address tracking 133


file mirroring 120
file system maintenance 142
finding free disk space 131
firewall settings 53
full screen display 89

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General preferences 37
group-based authorization 72
guest access 72


hard disk maintenance 142
hardware asset management 130
Help Desk Mode. See sharing control
human interface

customizing 37
icons 30
tips and shortcuts 38


installation, Remote Desktop 42
Install Packages options 116


keyboard shortcut exceptions 86
kickstart tool 159, 163


launching remote applications 147
lights-out management 153, 154
limiting access privileges 73
limiting features to administrators 73
logging in remote users 151
logging out users 152


main window 30
Managed Client settings 48
mcx_setting attribute 69, 71
metadata search 126
mirroring a folder 120
moving computer lists 61–62
multi-observe 93, 99

window 34

muting a computer 141


NetBoot 139
networking best practices 79
networking with AirPort 80
Network Install 139
network interface audit 133
network performance tuning 81
networksetup tool 159
Network Time Protocol (NTP) server 140
notification script 106


observation settings 95, 96
Observe Widget 99

observe window 33, 34
offline installation 112
Open Directory 69


package installation 110, 115
preferences 37
preference standardization 144
printer setup 144
Property List Editor tool 69
putting wired clients to sleep 148


quitting applications 148


reclaiming hard disk space 138
Remote 44
removing client software 50, 51
removing files 138
removing Remote Desktop 49

copied items 117
multiple computers 140

repairing UNIX permissions 142
replacing copied items 117

access privileges 76
Application Usage 125
File Search 127, 169
Software Difference 129, 169
Software Version 128, 169
System Overview 130, 168
User History 124, 169

report data sources 121
reporting best practices 123–124
reporting policy template 170
report window 35
restarting client computers 153
reusing tasks 108, 109


saving reporting policy preferences 170
saving reports 136
saving settings 108
saving tasks 108, 109

Bonjour 54
file import 57
IP range 55, 57
LAN 55

scanner display 53
scanners 53
screen pushing 101
screen sharing console 102

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scripting Remote Desktop

AppleScript 172–174
Automator 175

Secure Screen Blanking. See curtain mode.

best practices 81
preferences 37

sending scripts via UNIX command 157–159
serial number 42
setting boot disk 139
setting encryption defaults 83
setting Energy Saver preferences 143
setting wake-on-LAN 143
sharing control 88
Sharing Preference 65
sharing screens 101
software installation 110
software version report 115
Spotlight search 126
SSH access description 75
starting client computers 154
start VNC server 75
system requirements 41
systemsetup tool 143, 144, 159, 161


task history 105
task progress 105, 107
task results 108
task schedules 170
Task Server

administration 167
clients 168
data collection 122
Install Package 112
overview 165
planning 166
preferences 37
set up 166

task status 107
task templates

saving 109
UNIX commands 155

temporary access 72
testing network performance 135–136

text announce 100
text chat 100
third-party installers 114
Tiger-only features

Spotlight search 126


using report windows 137
using the observe window 98

tracking. See asset tracking.
trashing files 138, 139


uninstalling client software 50, 51
uninstalling Remote Desktop 49
unique computer names 140
UNIX command templates 155
updating software 128

client software 44
Remote Desktop 44

user history report 124
user interface. See human interface.
user login report 124
user mode 73
user requests, viewing 101
using a time server 140


VNC 74

connecting to server 90
Control-Alt-Delete 91
custom display designation 92
Mac OS X Client as VNC server 93
non–Mac OS X basic set-up 91
port customization 92


wakeonlan packet 149
waking wired clients 149
window, shortcuts 38
Workgroup Manager 48, 142


XML 71