Apple Remote Desktop - Observing a Computer in Dashboard

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Observing a Computer in Dashboard

If you are using Mac OS X version 10.4 or later, you can use the Dashboard widget to
observe one client computer. The computer must be in your All Computers list and be
authenticated with permission to Observe. Apple Remote Desktop does not have to be
launched to use the widget.

To observe using Dashboard:


Add the computer to your All Computers list.

See “Finding and Adding Clients to Apple Remote Desktop Computer Lists” on page 53
for detailed information.


Activate Dashboard, and click the widget’s icon to run it.


Click the widget’s “Info” button to flip the widget over.


Supply a hostname or IP address, login name, and password or simply select the
computer you want to observe (if it’s listed).


Click Done.

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Chapter 7

Interacting with Users